Our Offer
Provision in place to to support children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Identification process for supporting children with SEMH need
- Observations
- Parental concerns
- SEN register with SEMH need
- Support out of school e.g family CAMHS referral, CBT
- Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Family difficulties e.g. separation
- Mental health illness within the family
- Self Harm
- Repeated playtime difficulties e.g. maintaining friendships
Ordinarily available provision available to all pupils
- Development of positive relationships between staff and children
- Members of Senior Leadership on the gates to welcome children
- Whole class Thrive screening
- ‘Excellent behaviours’
- Whole class Zones of Regulation
- Whole class movement breaks
- PSHE lessons/circle time
- Buddies
- Worry boxes
- Reward charts and systems
- Restorative approaches
- Buddy bench accessed on the playground
- CTC (children that care) support
- Positions of responsibility (Year 6)
- Curriculum weeks such as anti bullying week and mental health week
Targeted support for those who have an identified need
- Transition groups and early visits for new starters. These take place during the summer term and also a session before the start of the September term before school begins officially.
- Zones of regulation - personalised toolkit
- Daily/weekly check-in with an adult
- Lunchtime support with a key adult
- Lunch time quiet club
- Sensory circuits
- Lego therapy
- Friendship groups
- Social skills group
- Time with a key adult on a daily or weekly basis
- Social stories/comic strip conversations
- Access to ELSA sessions (10 week interventions)
- ABCC charts
Specialist support
- Thrive - this is a longer term intervention for those who require it
- Individual risk assessment
- Referral to the School Nurse
- Referral to Educational Psychology
- Referral to STIPs team
- Referral to Primary Mental Health Worker
- Referral to CAMHs