GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

School Meals

We are very fortunate to have a kitchen on site, providing school meals daily.  The service is provided by Chartwells, a copy of their 3 week menu can be found via the link at the bottom of the page.  Chartwells cater for medical diets, for information regarding their policy and request forms please see downloads below. Their website has further information, please click here.   To contact their medical diet team please email them directly at 

As part of government policy, all children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 will be provided with a free school meal.  If you would prefer for your child to bring in a packed lunch from home, please complete and submit the online form below.  The price of a school meal is £2.60 for children in Nursery and years 3 to 6.  Please note that school meals must be paid for in advance.  If there is insufficient credit, you will be contacted by the school office to discuss. Where a school meal account accrues debt, school meals will not be provided and parents will be required to provide a packed lunch until the debt has been cleared in full.  Please note; we upload to Parentmail weekly (on a Friday) how many meals have been taken during that week. 

If parents are in receipt of government benefits, then their children may be entitled to free school meals.   Even if your child does not wish to take school meals, this information will benefit the school as it may enable us to support your child in other ways.  Please contact the school office, all discussions will be treated confidentially.

Children must take their preference ie school meal or packed lunch from home for a whole week and cannot change during this time.   If children wish to change their arrangements at the beginning of each week, please notify the office by completing a change of form;. 

Change of Lunch Preference Online Form

The form must be completed by 12pm on the Thursday before the week they wish to change  (please note we are unable to process forms during school holidays) and also include details of any dietary requirements if opting for school meals.  A Parentmail will be sent to you confirming the change to your child's preference.

If your child will be bringing in a packed lunch, we ask that you support us in encouraging healthy eating habits and do not include fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars and no glass bottles. Please remember that we endeavour to be a nut free/seed free school in order to ensure the safety of children with nut and seed allergies.  Please check packaging for ingredients and do not send nuts/seeds or food containing nuts/seeds to school, for example pesto, nutty/seeded cereal bars, hummus, seeded rolls/bread, peanut butter or chocolate spread.

As you are aware, we endeavour to be a nut free school. We work closely with Chartwells, a nut-free food provider, to offer a menu free of nuts. In addition to this, we do continue to encourage you also not to bring seeds into school as part of lunch or break time snacks to help us maintain a safe environment for all pupils.

Please note that, while Chartwells aims to limit cross-contact, they cannot fully guarantee that all ingredients they use have been kept separate from seeds. Occasionally, certain desserts may contain seeds. If your child has a seed allergy and eats school-provided meals, they will remain on a special dietary plan with Chartwells.

To make a Payment (Nursery and Years 3 to 6):

Log into, click on Accounts (6th tab down) click on Lunch Register and then click on the button ‘Top Up’ type in amount (minimum amount is £12.50) under Purchase Details - Top Up Amount and add to basket.  Click on basket and then click ‘Checkout’. Click on 'PayPal' or 'card' to pay.


Page Downloads Date  
Spring Menu 2025 04th Nov 2024 Download
Chartwells All you need to know about sc... 17th Jul 2023 Download
Chartwells FAQs 17th Jul 2023 Download
Primary Jan 23 Chartwells Schools Parent... 23rd Jan 2023 Download
Medical Diet Policy v1 10th May 2023 Download
Medical Diet Request Form 10th May 2023 Download
Medical Diet Evidence Support Form 10th May 2023 Download