GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

English - Writing

Welcome to our English Curriculum 

Cuddington croft primary school 75

At Cuddington Croft, we set out to inspire, engage and create a school of eager writers full of imagination and creativity. We develop this through the use of a range of stimuli which captivate and immerse the children with the writing process. This can be through drama based activities, film clips, imagery, debates, story mapping, art and ensuring the writing tasks are both enjoyable and purposeful. A range of text types are studied and written within each year group to ensure breadth of study; this is then further developed towards how the audience and purpose of a particular text type affects both grammatical and language choices. 

Our Writing Intent  

Our children will be encouraged to become confident and able to write for a range of audiences and purposes. A clear progression of grammar and punctuation skills are taught within units, alongside spelling rules, which are evident in pieces of independent, extended writing. High-quality models, which revisit prior learning as well as present new learning, provide high expectations for writing. Combining writing with their love for reading, children are given the opportunity to write creatively in Exciting Writing lessons which are designed to suit the children’s interests and needs. The draft, edit and publish sequence of lessons, each half term, will promote writing across the school and allow the children to celebrate their achievements. Exposure to novel and ambitious vocabulary will enable the children to make purposeful language choices in their writing.  

Within writing units, lessons are designed to teach appropriate grammar and punctuation skills linked to a particular text type, based on the National Curriculum VGPS objectives for each year group. The lessons build upon the previous year’s learning and as the year progresses, children become secure in using the skills, and this progression is evident in their extended writing.  

Implementation - how do we plan and teach English? 

Planning is a skills-based journey of learning, linked to our immersive, high-quality CUSP texts. Each unit is is regularly adapted to meet the individual needs of the children. Written models and live modelling scaffold writing while also setting high expectations and challenge to others. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation skills are threaded throughout each unit, culminating in an end of unit write which allows children to apply these skills to an extended piece.  

Writing checklists are used in Years 1-6 for children to self-assess to identify the objectives they are able to use and those which they need to focus on in the next piece. Opportunities are given for collaborative learning including shared writing and peer marking. This allows children to rehearse and elaborate their writing with others. Independent application of writing skills come when children produce their end of unit write or Exciting Writing.  

Marking is used to check understanding of and identify the skills that the children have demonstrated in their writing and to give developmental next steps in order to move their learning forward. Next steps also allow children to review their learning after the lesson: the next day, or in future lessons. In all marking, across the curriculum, spellings and punctuation errors are identified. 

Impact - what does progress look like? 

A clear progression of writing is evident across the school, with children in the upper school independently making choices about their writing and applying their skills through rich writing opportunities.  Lessons are sequenced so learning builds throughout a unit, culminating in independent, extended application of learnt skills. The carefully designed curriculum allows children to build upon previous learning and secure the skills needed to write across a range of text types, confidently and independently. Combining their love for reading and publishing with writing, children will enjoy the writing process and be proud to celebrate their pieces. Ongoing revisiting of writing skills and objectives within and between years strengthens and deepens children’s understanding of how to be an effective and accurate writer. Children will be able to articulate the purpose of editing as well as how they have edited successfully.  

 When our children leave Cuddington Croft, a good learner in Writing will… 

Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader. 

Be able to write for a range of audiences and purposes using accurate grammatical features and a wide range of ambitious and effective vocabulary which draws on what they have read as models. 

Have a passion for writing, encouraging them to wish to write in their own time.  

Understand the purpose of drafting, editing and publishing a piece of writing. 


Our Published Writing display showcases the fantastic writing progression and outcomes at Cuddington Croft!

Spelling is an integral part of our English lessons. Please click below to find out more about our Spelling lessons at Cuddington Croft Primary School. 

Please see our English resources below:

English on a page

Year 1 VGPS

Year 2 VGPS

Year 3 VGPS

Year 4 VGPS

Year 5 VGPS

Year 6 VGPS


Phase 1 Handwriting

Phase 2 Handwriting


Our Spelling Intent

Throughout the school, discrete weekly spelling lessons are taught to enable the children to slowly build upon their existing knowledge and make links in their learning. In Years 1 & 2, this happens as well as regular phonics sessions each week. This allows clear progression through the objectives. As each year progresses, children will become more accurate spellers and therefore more skilled writers due to the development of spelling rules. Evidence of these spelling rules within the children’s written work will be seen across all subjects to help teachers assess the impact. 

Implementation - how do we plan and teach Spellings?

Each week in Years 1-6 one discrete spelling lesson is taught. For Years 1 & 2, this is in addition to their regular weekly phonics lessons. Teachers use the year group objectives to plan their spelling lessons in order to ensure the correct spelling rules are covered to aid progression. Children are given differentiated challenge levels to choose from linked to their given spelling rules and spelling journals are used to document lessons. Children are given the opportunity to apply words following the given spelling rule to their writing by writing detailed sentences and paragraphs which also include some of their year group writing objectives. Weekly spelling homework on Readitwriter, linked to the spelling rule covered in the lesson, is given to help children practise the spelling rule within isolated words and within sentences to ensure they understand the meaning and how to spell it.

Impact- what does progress look like?

A spelling display is evident in each classroom and updated weekly based on each year group's current spelling rule. All classes from Years 1-6 have shown improvement in their year group spelling test scores from their baseline tests at the start of the year to their spring term tests, with some children already making a significant increase in their score. A spelling learning walk in the autumn term in Years 3-6 showed the impact of the spelling staff training at the beginning of the year through the use of high expectations in all classes, appropriate learning objectives and success criteria and differentiated challenge levels. As a result, staff and children in all classes had high quality discussions about spelling rules and patterns using a range of key spelling terminology. In Years 1 & 2, the use of RWI to teach regular phonics lessons each week as well as still teaching one discrete spelling lesson each week has allowed the children to make links in their learning and has created a more natural progression in their understanding of spellings.

Spelling Strategies