GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Welcome to our PSHE curriculum

Jigsaw puzzle pieces

At Cuddington Croft, we pride ourselves on preparing our children
for the next stage in their life by ensuring they develop the appropriate skill set through the high-quality modelling of skills from staff during their time with us so that they can leave being equipped for the real world. 

Our PSHE Intent

The intended impact of our PSHE teaching is to provide a coherently planned curriculum that equips our children for the real world, preparing them for the next step in their education and their later employment. It will enable our children to develop their emotional literacy and social skills, be aware of their own thoughts and feelings as they happen and develop strategies to help them manage them. We know that Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) must be promoted and that we have a duty of care to keep our pupils safe.Therefore, the teaching of PSHE is designed to reflect the needs of our children, allowing staff the flexibility to address any issues as and when they may arise, for example issues in the news, friendship issues or the loss of a family member etc. Within PSHE, we aim to support the future success of all children, including supporting those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Mindfulness is also an aspect of the “Jigsaw” curriculum of work we follow. Through the use of mindfulness, we aim to provide the children with a vital tool for life, regulating their emotions, building emotional resilience whilst enhancing their ability to focus and concentrate, both of which will help to optimise learning and obtain a high success rate. 

Implementation - how we plan and teach PSHE

The ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE curriculum followed is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (puzzle/unit) at the same time to allow for continuity and clear progression through clear lesson sequencing. This enables children to draw upon and retrieve important information from previous year groups learning and build upon these skills and recapping key concepts and understanding. Jigsaw is organised into 6 puzzles pieces that work in sequence throughout the year. Each puzzle piece/unit is introduced by an assembly which is delivered to each Phase (EYFS, Phase 1 and Phase 2). The implementation of this curriculum has meant training to staff has been given and is ongoing throughout the year to ensure staff are well prepared and confident when delivering high quality sessions to the children.

In EYFS to Year 2, PSHE is taught weekly and in Key Stage 2, PSHE is taught fortnightly. However, sometimes we will work reactively to things that happen in the year group and do a session on top of the normal allocated PSHE session. Throughout our curriculum, we develop our PSHE values so this is an integral part of our curriculum. Please find the links to our Cultural Capital which links very strongly to our PSHE curriculum. 

We do allow for some flexibility within our PSHE teaching to ensure we adequately address key world events, the needs of the pupils and any other themed weeks. Children are encouraged during these times to ask and answer questions to support their conceptual fluency in a calm and positive environment. Learners can also be scaffolded, and any individual needs can be supported where necessary.

The 6 Jigsaw puzzles are – 

  • Autumn 1: Being Me in My World 
  • Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying) 
  • Spring 1: Dreams and Goals 
  • Spring 2: Healthy Me 
  • Summer 1: Relationships 
  • Summer 2: Changing Me (including RSE in Years 5 and 6) 

Impact - what does progress look like? 

This curriculum chosen is designed to enable skills to be acquired throughout the course of the year and be built upon as each year progresses therefore connecting new knowledge with prior learning. Each puzzle focuses on different key skills to be acquired by the end of the year, further linking to our school 6Cs and Packtypes. The development of these skills through clear modelling and scaffolding enables our children to be more creative, courageous, calm, committed, cooperative and caring throughout their time at Cuddington Croft. This also supports the children as leaders

Some examples of what this looks like under each puzzle pieces are: 

  • Being Me in My World - Recognising their own worth. Recognising that their actions have consequences. Understanding the importance of being part of a team. 
  • Celebrating Difference - Developing empathy for others. Recognising how to appreciate the differences in people. 
  • Dreams and Goals - Identify their own dreams for the future. Know how to overcome problems. Build resilience. 
  • Healthy Me - Know how to keep themselves safe. Understand which foods constitute a healthy diet. Relationships – Know how to make and develop appropriate relationships. 
  • Changing Me – Recognise what changes they are looking forward to in their next academic year and how to manage change. Understand how their body is changing and how to deal with it. 


When our children leave Cuddington Croft, a good learner in PSHE will have..

Resilience to cope with challenging work and social aspects of the wider world. We particularly give the children an opportunity to enhance their growth mindset and to use this outside of school situations. 

Displaying positive body language by showing positive manners to both their peers and adults around the school. 

Showing high levels of respect to others.

Tolerance towards others.

Excellent listening skills during class activities as well as in assemblies. 

Empathetic towards others.

Able to regulate own emotions and discuss this with adults to support them when needed. 

Make and maintain relationships effectively within the school and then apply this skill in the wiser world. 

Keen learners with a positive attitude towards all aspects of their learning as well as towards social situations. 

Have the skills to support them when making further choices in education that will later support them with employment.


Jigsaw 2

PSHE Curriculum Overview

Cuddington Croft Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum Overview

SRE vocabulary for each year group

SRE Education Policy 2022 onwards